The Heart, Vision, and Passion of a Kingdom Ambassador
Michelle is known as a Catalyst for Change. When not leading mountain expeditions, Michelle offers Kingdom businesses and ministries Spirit-led professional expertise as a WordPress website designer and Social Media Maven. Michelle has been in the Information Technology industry since 1993, owner of two tech companies, Customer Service manager for large and small software companies, as well as serving as an executive-level administrator in the healthcare IT industry for more than 25 years.
From website to social media, this beloved maven can help you to brand your voice and develop better client relationships through a powerful, consistent online presence. Partnering with entrepreneurs, speakers, business professionals, and ministries, she audits, advises, and implements comprehensive internet strategies with the client’s unique voice and vision.
Your dream is connected to a divine purpose with a strategy. It would be our honor and pleasure to help you “write the vision, make it plain, so that those who read it may carry it to others.” Together, we can take the seven mountains of cultural influence for Kingdom purpose and God’s glory!
We are delighted you have visited the site and hope you will be inspired and challenged as you learn more about living courageously and loving extravagantly, flourishing in the purpose for which you were created! No matter which path we meet on, be it mountain, media, or majesty, the mission remains the same: Go into all the world with the Good News… and love those along the way.
See you on the mountain tops! (Or, we will see you from the top if you snooze!)
You were born for such a time as this.
You are anointed to be salt and light to the culture around you.
Your dream is connected to a divine purpose with a strategy. Internet and social media strategy is our specialty. Contact us today and let us help you write the vision, make it plain on tablets, as you take the seven mountains of cultural influence for Kingdom purpose and God’s glory!